All of me, is all Yours, Lord . . .

Published on 11 October 2024 at 10:25

LORD, I want to be all YOURS . . .

Every breath I take, every move I make

As I live, and move, and have my being

Every area of my life


LORD, I want to be all YOURS . . .

Past, present, and future.

The good, the bad, the ugly.

The indifferent.


LORD, I want to be all YOURS . . .

YOU gave everything for me – coming to earth to live as a man.

Dying for my sin.

Living again to be seated at the Right Hand of the Throne of GOD . . .


I don’t want to hold the smallest part of me, or my life, from YOU . . .

but to bring my secret thoughts, my innermost emotions, every meditation of my heart and mind, every word I speak or write.

Everything GOD – spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, relationship-ly.

If YOU see it, if YOU hear it, if YOU know it - GOD, it is YOURS . . . 


Take me – as I am.

Cleanse me from darkness.

Transform me – I am YOUR handiwork, YOUR creation.


YOURS . . . and for YOU . . . O GOD . . .


YOU have all Power in heaven, and on earth.

Please, fix me as YOURS . . .


: John 12:46 – I have come into the world as Light, so that whoever believes in Me may not remain in darkness.

  • LORD, I believe. Help Thou my unbelief. Please . . .


: Psalm 90:8 – You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the Light of Your Presence.

  • Thank YOU GOD for the BLOOD of the LAMB . . .


: Matthew 28:18 – And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”

  • Thank YOU JESUS . . . FATHER . . . HOLY SPIRIT . . .


: Psalm 100:4 – Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; Bless His Name!

  • Bless the LORD, oh my soul! Bless HIS Holy Name!!!!!

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