LORD, my mind is spinning with thoughts, ideas, wonderings.
Anxieties fight to rise, while my heart fights to keep them at bay.
There is a constant struggle and crying out to YOU . . .
This feels like I am now stuck in a rocking chair – having something to think about, to chew on, but not getting anywhere.
I love a rocking chair.
I miss having a rocking chair.
There is a time for sitting in a rocking chair.
But. There comes a point of getting up out of that rocking chair and going on with the day!
That's where I am now.
I need to get up and get out of this mental and emotional rocking chair!
I think about that old country song – “a little less talk, and a whole lot more action”.
That’s what I need.
I don’t want to get ahead of YOU . . .
And I don’t want to lag behind YOU . . .
I don’t want to be considered not waiting on the LORD . . .
But I also don’t want to waste the waiting time . . .
LORD, please – order my steps and direct my paths.
And please, may YOUR Peace which surpasses all understanding, guard and keep me, in CHRIST JESUS . . .
: II Thessalonians 3:16 – Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you Peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.
- Please, DEAR LORD, please . . .PEACE.
: Zechariah 2:13 – Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for He has roused Himself from His holy dwelling.
- LORD, help me be still, and be quiet. Just breathe. Just be.
: Job 22:21 – Agree with God, and be at Peace; thereby good will come to you.
- GOD, I want to be in absolute agreement with YOU . . . a small cost for Peace.

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