The Potter & the clay

Published on 10 August 2024 at 09:46

LORD, YOU are the Potter, I am the clay.

Who am I to say I don’t like what YOU are doing in, and with, my life?


The human side of me argues, wrestles, fights, and stomps her foot.

And there is that in me that just surrenders.

Trusting YOU, LORD, when I am afraid.


All I know for sure – it’s too much for me.

This life.

Being a widow.



GOD, help me please . . .


: Isaiah 64:8 – But now, O Lord, YOU are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our Potter; we are all the work of Your Hand.

  • I surrender all. LORD, to YOU, I surrender all. Have Thine Own Way, LORD, have Thine Own Way. Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.


: Psalm 27:8 – You have said, “Seek My Face.” My heart says to You, “Your Face, Lord, do I seek.”

  • LORD, teach me how to seek YOUR Face.


: I John 5:5-6 – Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is He Who came by water and blood – Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the Blood. And the Spirit is the One Who testifies, because the Spirit is the Truth.

  • LORD, I believe. Help Thou my unbelief.

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