LORD, teach me – and help me – to seek YOUR Face with all my heart.
To know YOU as YOU are.
To believe and trust YOU.
To walk and talk with YOU.
To live my life so that YOU are Honored and Blessed.
I know how to seek YOU when I sit here with my journal.
I know how to seek YOU when I read my Bible.
I know how to seek YOU when listening to music that is all about YOU.
How do I seek YOU when I work?
How do I seek YOU when I wash dishes, or cook?
How do I seek YOU when I work on stuff online?
How do I seek YOU when I garden?
How do I seek YOU when I am with others?
LORD, YOU know the ideas and thoughts I have, the dreams and hopes.
How do I desire YOU more than any of these?
And yet, how do I continue to work towards these, without losing that seeking YOU first?
LORD, please.
Make YOUR Light of YOUR Presence shine on me, on what YOU would have me do.
So I can see things better, and with more clarity, from YOUR perspective.
And LORD, if these things fit into YOUR Plans for me, Help me do them.
If anything is contrary to YOUR Will for me, change the desire and dream of my heart and mind.
LORD, teach me how to seek YOU first . . . in this real life of being a widow.
In JESUS’ NAME I ask . . .
: I Chronicles 16:11 – Seek the Lord and His Strength; seek His Presence continually!
- LORD, teach me how. Please – I want to know.
: Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
- Thank YOU GOD!!!!!
: Matthew 6:33 – But seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
- Long have I held to this verse. LORD, I keep holding on.

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