LORD, I pray that I am on the right path.
The way YOU have chosen for me.
Sometimes – more than I like to admit – I feel lost, wandering, going in circles, or stuck.
Please, Help me to listen for YOUR Voice.
Even just a whisper.
It’s so easy to hear my fears and doubts.
They seem to have no problem in being LOUD!
I know I am different – how much have I felt different in these years of my life?
Life has been harder, much harder, when I tried to be like others, when I tried to conform to what others thought I should be, say and do.
My differences have always had me lonely.
Rick was the only one through the years that seemed to appreciate my differences – and there were times even he questioned.
Having had him though, now – the emptiness and aloneness is glaring and screaming at me.
Please, Help me to remember that YOU are with me always, and YOUR understanding is unsearchable.
YOU see, YOU hear, YOU know, and YOU understand me so completely – there are NO differences in me that YOU don’t understand.
Whatever brings YOU the Glory, do that – in me, with me, for me.
And Please, Help me follow YOU . . . just follow YOU . . . GOD . . .
In JESUS’ NAME I cry out . . .
: Psalm 119:105 – Your Word is a Lamp to my feet and a Light to my path.
- LORD, help me read, and study.
: John 21:22 – Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!”
- LORD, help me stay in my lane and follow YOU . . .

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