LORD GOD, my need for YOU is my breath, my hope, my life.
The realization of my great need for YOU grows moment by moment.
I’ve always known that I needed YOU – but never like now.
LORD, it’s easy to fall into the muck and mire of life, to get trapped in the wallows, or caught up in the vortex of living.
Feeling sorry for myself – oh the struggle is so real!
So is the struggle with trying to hold time and space for someone – my humanity cries out in the emptiness and loneliness of this widow life.
LORD, please, Help me stay focused on YOU, YOUR Presence with me, in my life.
I find myself crying out YOUR NAME more and more – even out loud in the hearing of others, or just between YOU and me.
It’s not for show or pretense.
It’s not done in a flippant way – or at least I don’t want it to be.
BUT GOD, I need YOU so much!
Every breath I take, every move I make – GOD, I need YOU . . .
: Psalm 86:7 – In the day of my trouble I call upon You, for You answer me.
- GOD, YOU are my Hope, my Prayer.
: I Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray without ceasing.
- More and more I am learning how.
: John 16:24 – Until now you have asked nothing in My Name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.
- Trusting YOU, LORD, with all my heart . . .
I took this picture at work one day.
My life seems to be either on the inside looking out,
or the outside looking in.
As a widow, I find myself wondering a lot . . .
Where do I fit in?

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