Dear GOD, I bring YOU my weakness.
May I receive YOUR Peace.
It’s hard to accept my self, and my circumstances, as they are.
There is much striving against it all.
I don’t want much.
I want more.
If I accept, does that mean I am content?
How can I be content, when I am not?
If I accept, does that mean this is my fate, my destiny?
To always be alone, hurting, wandering?
Perhaps it is just where I am now.
What I am now.
Perhaps there is still room for growth and change – even in accepting.
GOD, YOU are absolute Sovereign.
There is nothing, nothing, that is too hard for YOU.
YOU can do anything YOU want to do.
YOU are the Same – yesterday, today and forever.
All of this analyzing and planning – is too much for me.
I keep hearing Psalm 131, like on repeat in my heart.
How do I let Thankfulness and Trust be my guides through this day, this life?
Will they truly keep me close to YOU?
Oh may I live in YOUR Presence.
Ever, and more, aware, alert, to YOU.
YOUR Word promises that “I can do all things through CHRIST Who strengthens me.”
And, “In the Presence of the LORD there is fullness of Joy.”
As well as, “The Joy of the LORD is my strength.”
GOD, I need YOU – please, help me LIVE this.
In JESUS’ NAME I ask . . .
: Psalm 29:11 – May the Lord give strength to His people! May the Lord bless His people with peace!
- Yes, and amen!
: Numbers 6:24-26 – The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His Face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His Countenance upon you and give you Peace.
- Mizpah, Dear LORD.
: Psalm 13:5 – But I have trusted in Your Steadfast Love; my heart shall rejoice in Your Salvation.
- It truly is all I can do. I love YOU . . .

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