
Published on 30 August 2012 at 05:46

Not being the most patient person (understatement I know) - it is getting increasingly difficult to "wait patiently" ... sigh.
Thank you Bro. Jeremy for the conversation a couple of days ago - it really helped me to know that the more correct translation is not to wait "patiently" ... as in sitting still and quiet.

The more correct translation is of waiting "eagerly" ... as in with great expectation.


I can do that!!!


Rick is in pain with his shoulder/rotator cuff.

Some moments are just a major discomfort level.

Some moments are at the screaming pain level.


My heart hurts for him - and all I can do is pray.
He sees the ortho next Wednesday in Sulphur Springs.

We are praying for Dr. Devinney to have wisdom to know what the best course of action is to help Rick be healed of this.

Surgery and physical therapy?

Or just physical therapy?

We wait ... and we pray.

I have been "ordered" back on REST.

I have been trying to take it easy ever since having the DNC and cervical biopsy.

But it gets to a point that there are things that need to be done, and all this sitting around is getting me nowhere!

However, I quickly found out that doing too much and being on my feet longer than I should be is NOT the way to be ready for surgery!

The more I am up and doing things - the greater chance of bleeding.

And bleeding heavier.

The more I bleed, the lower my blood count and iron levels are.

My body at this point just doesn't seem capable of keeping up.

And the lower the blood count and iron levels - the longer before I can have surgery and get the beast of Cancer out of me!
So, I take a deep breath ... and sit down!

Find things to do that can be done while I sit and rock.

Got the application for financial aid at M.D. Anderson filled out.

All documentation together.

50 pages to be faxed.

God Bless Bro. Leo for helping us!!! 

I checked with Bridgett at M.D. - and she did receive it all.

And it has been forwarded to Yolanda.

She will review it and call me.

It has been 2 days ... and I have not heard from them.

So, if I haven't heard by noon today, I will call this afternoon just to see if I can find out the status of the application.

Bridgett told me the other day that it could take from 1 - 7 days for it to be in review before a decision was made. But, like I said, I am not a patient person --- but I can wait "eagerly" while I do something! LOL

My daughter stopped and visited a few minutes early yesterday morning after she had gotten the rug-rats on the bus.

... it was good to not only see her, but to be hugged by her 

... enjoyed the visit SO MUCH!!!

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