
Published on 24 February 2025 at 08:01

O Father! 
Make us hungry for your Word. 

Thirsty for your Presence. 
More so than we are hungry or thirsty for food and drink. 
What would our life be like if we were as passionate about meeting with you in prayer and in reading your Word as we are about eating and drinking? 

And Father, make us to have great passion for prayer and the Word – not just to look at it as our “duty”. 
What if we had as much passion for prayer and reading the Word as we do for watching TV? 

O Father God!
Forgive me!!!

Father, show me how to look upon myself and others the way you do. 
Just to be able to see more with “Heaven’s eyes” than with my own distorted view. 
Jesus didn’t die for junk and trash.

Jesus died for me, for the world. 
O Father God! 
Help me!!! 

It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me.
Galatians 2:20
But are others seeing the true and good and right Jesus in me? 
Or are they seeing the Jesus that is tainted by own humanity? 
O Father God, forgive me. 
Help me to live as a Christian – a little Christ – today. 
More so than yesterday! 
God, help us to grow up – either we believe in you, believe your Word – or we don’t. 
And if we do believe – then when do we allow it to change our lives?

To transform us into the likeness of your image? 
God, forgive us all. 
Proverbs 31. I Corinthians 7 and 13. Ephesians 5. I Peter 3. 
My obedience to you is not based on what others say or think or do – or don’t.

Not even what my husband does or doesn’t. 
Help me to remember that. 
My obedience to you is to be based on the fact that you have said it!  
Thru the years Life and marriage changes. 
God, help us to live well within those changes.
Help us to rise to the challenges. 
It would be so much easier to sit down and whine about all the limitations on our lives. 
But are they truly limitations?

Or are they challenges? 
Help us to learn the difference!  
It isn’t easy to be that “daughter of Sarah’s” – and be a woman without words. 
To just shut up and pray.
Not to be a doormat to be walked all over.
But to trust myself into the hands of a living God. 
Give you the time and room to be my Father. 
Father, our bodies don’t seem to be “playing nice” the older we get.

Too many things falling down, getting broke, just not working any more. 
Help us to remember that this is not a direct attack against us – even when it feels like it is. 
And help us to not become angry, bitter and resentful when it seems that life and our bodies are betraying us, attacking us, denying us the basic peace and joy of life. 

Father, we cannot add one hour to our life – but with your help and guidance, we can increase the quality of our life.

That we might serve you with very breath we take, and in every move we make. 
That we might be your witnesses and testimony – your voice – to your healing power, your touch, even your strength in the face of all that is “wrong”. 

This life isn’t about “us” – it is all about YOU.

Help us to remember that!!! 
O Father God– make us to LIVE and not die!!!

Not just breathe in and breathe out – but REALLY LIVE!!!
Father, the world revolves around money.  
And we need money to pay our bills, buy groceries, put fuel in the vehicles. 
Money for going to the doctors, for medications.
Money just to live on. 
We don’t want serve money.

We want to serve YOU. 
We aren’t reaching for the “American Dream” … we choose the Kingdom of Heaven.

Just our choice. 
But … we still need money. 
And money comes thru work. 
Father, help us – guide and direct us. 
Teach us to be good stewards of all that you provide. 
And remind us that no matter the job, no matter the paycheck – you are our Provider!!! 
Father, more than I want to admit, I feel like Humpty Dumpty must have felt … all broke into pieces and couldn’t be put together again.
Please, pick me up and put me together.

YOUR way.

YOUR creation. 

YOUR workmanship.
Help me trust you.

And just be still in your hands. 

In Jesus' Name ...

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