
Published on 24 February 2025 at 07:50

After much prayer and thought, I realize that I am entering a time of change.
Change is not always an option.
Sometimes "life" just happens.
Bodies change.
Jobs, homes, families ... birth, growth, death.
But even then, we can learn to live with the change - or fight the change.
Lord, help me in this!!!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change or do ...
grant me the courage to change and to do all that I can ...
and the wisdom to know the differences.

God grant me the serenity, the peace, to trust you with all my heart when the winds of change blow and howl, raging it seems against me.
Help me to trust you.

Lord, I commit anew my life, my all, into your hands.
I am your workmanship.
Create in me all that you want.
Take away all that you don't want in me.
I am Yours.
You are God.
Trusting you for whatever you want to do.

In Jesus' Name ...

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